Fatima Concord. Co-Pilot of the Mortarheadd Empress Flame. I won this model in a little contest a couple years ago. I figured it'd be fun to do an "easy" kit after the last custom one that I built, and I thought it'd be nice to have a "sister" for the Maegera figure, since it's from the same sculptor (see last image).The casting had a few issues that made it a little less easy, but luckily it wasn't as bad as it could've been. I think it took me a little over a month, so not too bad.
It's a standard build, nothing too special, except maybe the symbol the base. It's the same as the one on the chest, but I 3d sculpted it and 3d printed it myself, which was kind of exciting considering it actually turned out pretty nice! Paint is mostly Mr Color and Gaianotes with enamels for the eyes.